Grant Awarded from Durham University’s Enterprise Education Fund

DIRDI has been awarded a grant from Durham University’s Enterprise Education Fund, in partnership with Dr. Oliver Vogt, Department of Engineering, Durham University. This grant will help kick start a week-long,  annual event engaging Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics students in “Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities Using Drones (EEOPS-D)”.

This drone technology development ‘hackathon’ will be hosted by DIRDI at the North East Technology Park (NETPark), Sedgefield, County Durham, and aims to solve real-world challenges, while increasing students’ technological, entrepreneurial and commercial skills.

The competition will bring together teams of students across all four departments to solve challenges in enterprise using Drone Technology. This is the beginning of an annual event that will develop year on year, engaging with students, developing drone technology and solving real-world challenges.

To be a part of one of DIRDI’s early initiatives, interested students should write to to learn more.