
Become a Member

  • ENHANCE your CV and benefit from the entitlement to use MDIRDI post-nominals.
  • PUBLISH your research on the institute website and benefit from the support of DIRDI in pursuing publication in external academic journals.
  • CONNECT with senior industry contacts, Durham University academics, and external partners and receive mentorship within industry, academia, or business.
  • ACCESS events such as social dinners, educational seminars, and conferences.
  • SUCCEED in your research endeavours and collaborate with DIRDI members to receive funding opportunities, term-time projects, and summer internships.

We are seeking brilliant Durham undergraduate and postgraduate students with a background in STEM. Membership is completely free.

Become a Fellow

We are looking for fellows who are willing to support our vision. Fellowships are also awarded to academic staff and research partners with complimentary interests. There is no minimum requirement for commitment. Fellows are entitled to use FDIRDI postnominals.